Contact with Mohsen Bazianfar and arrangements

Mohsen Bazianfar's address - Mohsen Bazianfar's email - Mohsen Bazianfar's contact number


You can visit the studio for artistic photography with a simple background. You can also use my services by coordination and sending a message for photography in nature or places of your choice with a special decor.

For industrial photography and videography of large collections, it is necessary to visit your place before signing a contract, which requires the necessary coordination.

Private photography and videography cources are held at the studio location and different places are considered for workshops, which will be announced along with their call.

In addition to the calligraphy and alligraphy painting works presented in the art store, you can order the text or poem of your choice.

For website design, it is necessary to study your company’s profession and background, which is time-consuming and important. And it should be considered at the time of signing the contract so that we can reach a more desirable result.

Regarding artistic direction, I do not accept any custom work.

For editing, providing all editing needs such as rushes, photos, texts, etc. is the responsibility of the employer.

Also, for graphic and motion graphic services, providing exclusive photos of products, text, narration and special music is the responsibility of the employer.

If you have a new project in the works, I would love to know about it. I am passionate about my work and always get excited about learning from your business and new experiences. Let’s do something big together.

So to start this collaboration, send me a short message.