Mohsen Bazianfar’s artworks and portfolio

In this page, you will become familiar with the works of Mohsen Bazianfar in the fields of photography, video advertising, music video, art video, calligraphy and line painting that he has created during his artistic life. You can visit my official Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube pages to see more samples of my work. Seeing you in the list of followers is a source of encouragement and honor, and your comments are a source of growth and motivation for me.

Buy Mohsen Bazianfar’s artworks

You can also visit the art store of this website to buy my artworks.

Samples of calligraphy and painting calligraphy

In this section, I used compound and glossy paper for calligraphy. And for calligraphy painting, I used canvas and acrylic paint. In my works, I have paid attention to both the aesthetic aspects and the readability element of the line, which is important for me in the works of others.

Because I believe that one of the duties of a calligrapher artist is to convey the textual message to the audience, which transfers it through the beauties of the line and has the necessary impact on the audience.

I have also used more contemporary texts and poems so that the young audience can relate to them more.

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Samples of website design

The web design done is based on the needs and with custom and creative features.